Distance from

Singapore to Malaysia

Average travel distance is

409.54 km

Nomal travel times are between

3h 42min  -  8h 3min

409.54 km (254 miles) is the average travel distance between Singapore and . If you could walk at the speed of 3mph (4.8kph), it would take 2 days 15 hours.

Travel distance by transport mode

Tranport Km Miles Nautical miles
Bus 392.91 km 244.14 miles 212.15 miles
Drive 404.58 km 251.39 miles 218.46 miles
Flight 416.71 km 258.93 miles 225.0 miles
Train 423.96 km 263.44 miles 228.92 miles


Singapore - Malaysia Info

The distance from City Hall to Woodlands 26 km (16.45 miles) .

The distance from Woodlands to Johor Bahru 42 km (26.06 miles) .

The distance from JHB to KUL 277 km (171.87 miles) .

The distance from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to KL Sentral 56 km (35.08 miles) .

The distance from KL Sentral to Petaling Jaya 16 km (9.67 miles) .

Travel distance chart

The distance between Singapore to Malaysia is 409.54 km (254 miles) and it would cost 14 USD ~ 45 MYR to drive in a car that consumes about 3 MPG.