5594.52 km (3476 miles) is the average travel distance between Vientiane and . If you could walk at the speed of 3mph (4.8kph), it would take 36 days 4 hours.
Distance from
Vientiane to SeoulAverage travel distance is
5594.52 kmNomal travel times are between
7h 41min - 131h 0minTravel distance by transport mode
Tranport | Km | Miles | Nautical miles |
Flight | 3531.97 km | 2194.67 miles | 1907.11 miles |
Train | 7657.06 km | 4757.88 miles | 4134.48 miles |
Vientiane - Seoul Info
The distance from VTE to ICN 3470 km (2156.0 miles) .
The distance from Incheon International Airport to Seoul 63 km (39.14 miles) .
Travel distance chart
The distance between Vientiane to Seoul, South Korea is 5594.52 km (3476 miles) and it would cost 336 USD ~ 356,516 KRW to drive in a car that consumes about 85 MPG.
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