Best way to travel between

Alghero, Italy
Oslo, Norway
Travel Modes
3476.18 km
56h 26mins
104.29 kgs
2242.97 km
6h 3mins
242.24 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Bus 3476.18 km 56h 26mins 969 NOK 158.9828
Flight 2242.97 km 6h 3mins 1,005 NOK 164.8
Take Bus from Alghero Via Catalogna to Porto Torres Porto Civico
Time: 1h 1mins Cost: 18 NOK; $ 2.7 - 3.3 USD CO2 Emission: 1.32 kgs
Take Ferry from Porto Torres to Genova
Time: 10h 0mins Cost: 305 NOK; $ 45.0 - 55.0 USD CO2 Emission: 51.65 kgs
Take Walk from Genova to Genoa Train station
Time: 18mins Cost: 0 NOK; $ 0.0 - 0.0 USD CO2 Emission: 0.19 kgs
Take Bus from Genoa Train station to Zagreb Central Bus Station
Time: 10h 45mins Cost: 177 NOK; $ 26.1 - 31.9 USD CO2 Emission: 24.0 kgs
Take Bus from Zagreb to Göteborg
Time: 27h 5mins Cost: 469 NOK; $ 69.3 - 84.7 USD CO2 Emission: 57.74 kgs
Take Bus from Göteborg Nils Ericsonterminalen to Oslo bussterminal
Time: 3h 30mins Cost: 110 NOK; $ 16.2 - 19.8 USD CO2 Emission: 9.09 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Alghero, Italy and Oslo, Norway is to travel by bus, which will cost about 969 NOK or 143.10 USD.