Best way to travel between

Belo Horizonte
Buenos Aires
Travel Modes
2944.74 km
49h 24mins
88.34 kgs
2378.48 km
8h 0mins
256.88 kgs
2976.48 km
35h 31mins
380.99 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Bus 2944.74 km 49h 24mins 719 ARS 118.0
Flight 2378.48 km 8h 0mins 1,511 ARS 248.0
Drive 2976.48 km 35h 31mins 1,949 ARS 320.0
Take Bus from Belo Horizonte to Curitiba
Time: 14h 48mins Cost: 305 ARS; $ 45.0 - 55.0 USD CO2 Emission: 30.0 kgs
Take Bus from Curitiba to Buenos Aires
Time: 32h 49mins Cost: 396 ARS; $ 58.5 - 71.5 USD CO2 Emission: 58.12 kgs
Take Train from Retiro Station to Lima
Time: 7mins Cost: 6 ARS; $ 0.9 - 1.1 USD CO2 Emission: 0.12 kgs
Take Train from Lima, Bueno Aires to Primera Junta
Time: 15mins Cost: 4 ARS; $ 0.6 - 0.7 USD CO2 Emission: 0.31 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Belo Horizonte and Buenos Aires is to travel by bus, which will cost about 719 ARS or 106.20 USD.