Best way to travel between

Berlin Hbf (tief), Moabit, Germany
Travel Modes
2139.9 km
34h 43mins
64.2 kgs
1642.2 km
22h 47mins
87.04 kgs
1666.68 km
18h 18mins
213.34 kgs
1365.78 km
5h 18mins
147.5 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Bus 2139.9 km 34h 43mins 205 BGN 142.0
Train 1642.2 km 22h 47mins 231 BGN 160.0
Drive 1666.68 km 18h 18mins 505 BGN 350.0
Flight 1365.78 km 5h 18mins 822 BGN 570.0
Take Bus from Berlin Hauptbahnhof (S+U), Berlin to Hertzallee, Berlin
Time: 28mins Cost: 3 BGN; $ 1.8 - 2.2 USD CO2 Emission: 0.2 kgs
Take Bus from Hertzallee, Berlin to Messedamm/ZOB/ICC, Berlin
Time: 17mins Cost: 1 BGN; $ 0.9 - 1.1 USD CO2 Emission: 0.22 kgs
Take Bus from Berlin ZOB to Plovdiv
Time: 31h 12mins Cost: 187 BGN; $ 117.0 - 143.0 USD CO2 Emission: 58.7 kgs
Take Bus from Plovdiv to Sofia
Time: 1h 57mins Cost: 13 BGN; $ 8.1 - 9.9 USD CO2 Emission: 5.08 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Berlin Hbf (tief), Moabit, Germany and Sofia is to travel by bus, which will cost about 205 BGN or 127.80 USD.