Best way to travel between

Glasgow, United Kingdom
Travel Modes
1099.28 km
18h 33mins
32.98 kgs
1099.28 km
16h 42mins
140.71 kgs
940.44 km
7h 4mins
101.57 kgs
1008.99 km
10h 11mins
53.48 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Bus 1099.28 km 18h 33mins 73 GBP 118.0
Drive 1099.28 km 16h 42mins 111 GBP 180.02
Flight 940.44 km 7h 4mins 122 GBP 198.0
Train 1008.99 km 10h 11mins 218 GBP 354.0
Take Bus from Brussels to London Victoria
Time: 7h 55mins Cost: 27 GBP; $ 39.6 - 48.4 USD CO2 Emission: 12.01 kgs
Take Bus from London Victoria Coach Station to Hamilton, Scotland
Time: 8h 30mins Cost: 43 GBP; $ 63.0 - 77.0 USD CO2 Emission: 20.34 kgs
Take Bus from Hamilton, Bus Station (Hamilton Bus Station) to Glasgow, Cathedral Street (Queen Street Station)
Time: 1h 3mins Cost: 2 GBP; $ 3.6 - 4.4 USD CO2 Emission: 0.65 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Brussels and Glasgow, United Kingdom is to travel by bus, which will cost about 73 GBP or 106.20 USD.