Best way to travel between

Katowice, Poland
Travel Modes
5283.01 km
115h 2mins
280.0 kgs
4118.14 km
12h 9mins
444.76 kgs
4931.27 km
65h 54mins
631.2 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Train 5283.01 km 115h 2mins 565 PLN 182.4
Flight 4118.14 km 12h 9mins 966 PLN 312.0
Drive 4931.27 km 65h 54mins 1,654 PLN 534.29
Take Train from Dushanbe to Aksaraiskaya
Time: 63h 20mins Cost: 588 PLN; $ 171.0 - 209.0 USD CO2 Emission: 120.02 kgs
Take Taxi from Aksaraiskaya to Narimanov
Time: 1h 23mins Cost: 62 PLN; $ 18.0 - 22.0 USD CO2 Emission: 11.81 kgs
Take Bus from Narimanov to Novoyasnevskaya bus station, Moscow
Time: 19h 23mins Cost: 108 PLN; $ 31.5 - 38.5 USD CO2 Emission: 40.47 kgs
Take Walk from Novoyasnevskaya bus station, Moscow to Novoyasnevskaya Bus Station
Time: 6mins Cost: 0 PLN; $ 0.0 - 0.0 USD CO2 Emission: 0.07 kgs
Take Bus from Novoyasnevskaya Bus Station to Minsk Central bus station
Time: 10h 0mins Cost: 65 PLN; $ 18.9 - 23.1 USD CO2 Emission: 21.72 kgs
Take Bus from Minsk Central bus station to Katowice
Time: 17h 50mins Cost: 124 PLN; $ 36.0 - 44.0 USD CO2 Emission: 25.58 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Dushanbe and Katowice, Poland is to travel by train, which will cost about 563 PLN or 163.80 USD.