Best way to travel between

Iloilo City, Western Visayas, Philippines
Dumaguete, Philippines
Travel Modes
472.62 km
19h 41mins
60.5 kgs
268.43 km
6h 33mins
8.05 kgs
444.34 km
22h 59mins
47.99 kgs
266.05 km
4h 15mins
34.05 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Ferry 472.62 km 19h 41mins 855 PHP 19.57
Bus 268.43 km 6h 33mins 1,836 PHP 42.0
Flight 444.34 km 22h 59mins 2,164 PHP 49.5
Taxi 266.05 km 4h 15mins 3,851 PHP 88.11
Take Ferry from Iloilo to Cebu
Time: 12h 30mins Cost: 830 PHP; $ 17.1 - 20.9 USD CO2 Emission: 43.45 kgs
Take Walk from Cebu to Cebu
Time: 11mins Cost: 0 PHP; $ 0.0 - 0.0 USD CO2 Emission: 0.09 kgs
Take Ferry from Cebu to Dumaguete
Time: 6h 0mins Cost: 350 PHP; $ 7.2 - 8.8 USD CO2 Emission: 16.95 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Iloilo City, Western Visayas, Philippines and Dumaguete, Philippines is to travel by ferry, which will cost about 874 PHP or 18.00 USD.