Best way to travel between

Kiruna station, Kiruna, Sweden
Riksgränsen station, Sweden
Travel Modes
129.78 km
2h 12mins
6.88 kgs
140.76 km
3h 28mins
4.22 kgs
132.87 km
1h 53mins
7.04 kgs
135.45 km
1h 58mins
17.34 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Train 129.78 km 2h 12mins 93 SEK 14.19
Bus 140.76 km 3h 28mins 145 SEK 22.0
Train 132.87 km 1h 53mins 171 SEK 26.0
Drive 135.45 km 1h 58mins 171 SEK 26.0
Take Train from Kiruna station to Riksgränsen station
Time: 2h 8mins Cost: 93 SEK; $ 12.7 - 15.6 USD CO2 Emission: 6.89 kgs
Take Walk from Riksgränsen station to Riksgränsen Station
Time: 4mins Cost: 0 SEK; $ 0.1 - 0.1 USD CO2 Emission: 0.05 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Kiruna station, Kiruna, Sweden and Riksgränsen station, Sweden is to travel by train, which will cost about 92 SEK or 12.60 USD.