Best way to travel between

Mytilene, Lesbos Prefecture, Greece
London, United Kingdom
Travel Modes
2536.89 km
6h 38mins
273.98 kgs
3203.0 km
42h 19mins
96.09 kgs
3229.71 km
46h 14mins
171.17 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Flight 2536.89 km 6h 38mins 114 GBP 185.27
Bus 3203.0 km 42h 19mins 120 GBP 194.67
Train 3229.71 km 46h 14mins 214 GBP 347.36
Take Taxi from Mytilene to Mytilini
Time: 8mins Cost: 7 GBP; $ 9.9 - 12.1 USD CO2 Emission: 1.06 kgs
Take Flight from MJT to LHR
Time: 6h 10mins Cost: 111 GBP; $ 162.0 - 198.0 USD CO2 Emission: 270.59 kgs
Take Train from Heathrow Terminals 2 & 3 to London Paddington
Time: 15mins Cost: 10 GBP; $ 14.4 - 17.6 USD CO2 Emission: 1.23 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Mytilene, Lesbos Prefecture, Greece and London, United Kingdom is to travel by air, which will cost about 114 GBP or 166.50 USD.