Best way to travel between

Newcastle, United Kingdom
Kabankalan City, Western Visayas, Philippines
Travel Modes
11812.86 km
26h 54mins
1275.79 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Flight 11812.86 km 26h 54mins 89,136 PHP 2039.4
Take Train from Newcastle to London Kings Cross
Time: 2h 48mins Cost: 2,622 PHP; $ 54.0 - 66.0 USD CO2 Emission: 22.78 kgs
Take Train from King's Cross St. Pancras station to Heathrow Terminals 1-2-3 station
Time: 55mins Cost: 262 PHP; $ 5.4 - 6.6 USD CO2 Emission: 1.52 kgs
Take Flight from LHR to BCD
Time: 17h 30mins Cost: 87,414 PHP; $ 1800.0 - 2200.0 USD CO2 Emission: 1213.18 kgs
Take Taxi from Bacolod–Silay to Bacolod
Time: 16mins Cost: 306 PHP; $ 6.3 - 7.7 USD CO2 Emission: 2.17 kgs
Take Bus from Bacolod to Kabankalan
Time: 2h 49mins Cost: 131 PHP; $ 2.7 - 3.3 USD CO2 Emission: 3.13 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Newcastle, United Kingdom and Kabankalan City, Western Visayas, Philippines is to travel by air, which will cost about 89,119 PHP or 1835.10 USD.