Best way to travel between

Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Travel Modes
1731.43 km
3h 16mins
186.99 kgs
2536.89 km
42h 35mins
76.11 kgs
2031.16 km
33h 16mins
259.99 kgs
2341.19 km
24h 1mins
124.08 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Flight 1731.43 km 3h 16mins 72 GBP 116.0
Bus 2536.89 km 42h 35mins 140 GBP 227.0
Drive 2031.16 km 33h 16mins 300 GBP 487.0
Train 2341.19 km 24h 1mins 376 GBP 610.0
Take Flight from WMI to GLA
Time: 2h 55mins Cost: 68 GBP; $ 99.0 - 121.0 USD CO2 Emission: 185.45 kgs
Take Bus from Glasgow Airport, Terminal Building (Glasgow Airport) to Glasgow, Waterloo Lane
Time: 15mins Cost: 6 GBP; $ 8.1 - 9.9 USD CO2 Emission: 0.43 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland and Glasgow, United Kingdom is to travel by air, which will cost about 72 GBP or 104.40 USD.