Best way to travel between

Simferopol, Ukraine
Russia, Chelyabinskaya oblast, Chelyabinsk
Travel Modes
3520.51 km
61h 59mins
105.62 kgs
2768.47 km
61h 28mins
146.73 kgs
2338.33 km
7h 3mins
252.54 kgs
2734.9 km
37h 21mins
350.07 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Bus 3520.51 km 61h 59mins 1,361 RUB 41.2
Train 2768.47 km 61h 28mins 2,493 RUB 75.48
Flight 2338.33 km 7h 3mins 4,749 RUB 143.82
Drive 2734.9 km 37h 21mins 7,693 RUB 232.96
Take Bus from Simferopol Bus station to Moscow Central Bus Station
Time: 29h 59mins Cost: 1,321 RUB; $ 36.0 - 44.0 USD CO2 Emission: 53.04 kgs
Take Bus from Moscow Central Bus Station to Ufa, Yuzhny bus station
Time: 21h 0mins Cost: 1,123 RUB; $ 30.6 - 37.4 USD CO2 Emission: 40.16 kgs
Take Bus from Ufa, Yuzhny bus station to Chelyabinsk Central bus station
Time: 9h 0mins Cost: 429 RUB; $ 11.7 - 14.3 USD CO2 Emission: 12.42 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Simferopol, Ukraine and Russia, Chelyabinskaya oblast, Chelyabinsk is to travel by bus, which will cost about 1,354 RUB or 36.90 USD.