Best way to travel between

Tan Son Nhat International Airport, phường 2, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Ca Mau, Vietnam
Travel Modes
371.7 km
9h 39mins
11.15 kgs
350.48 km
5h 1mins
44.86 kgs
403.2 km
4h 0mins
43.55 kgs
Tranport Distance Time(hrs) Cost(local) Cost(usd)
Bus 371.7 km 9h 39mins 527,590 VND 25.0
Drive 350.48 km 5h 1mins 738,626 VND 35.0
Flight 403.2 km 4h 0mins 4,030,788 VND 191.0
Take Car from Ho Chi Minh City to Ben xe Mien Tay
Time: 15mins Cost: 253,243 VND; $ 10.8 - 13.2 USD CO2 Emission: 1.87 kgs
Take Bus from Ben xe Mien Tay to Can Tho City
Time: 3h 56mins Cost: 126,622 VND; $ 5.4 - 6.6 USD CO2 Emission: 5.07 kgs
Take Bus from Can Tho City to Ca Mau
Time: 4h 44mins Cost: 147,725 VND; $ 6.3 - 7.7 USD CO2 Emission: 5.65 kgs
Source: Rome2rio

Mode of travel comparision chart

The best and cheapest way to get from Tan Son Nhat International Airport, phường 2, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam and Ca Mau, Vietnam is to travel by bus, which will cost about 527,590 VND or 22.50 USD.