Cost of Living in Solomon Islands

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Travel Price Approximate cost
Mid-Range Hotel (Room/Night) 306.9 USD (~2,196.84 SBD)
Foods Approximate cost
Potato (01 Kg) 9.2 USD (~65.85 SBD)
Rice (01 Kg) 3.72 USD (~26.63 SBD)
Egg (12 Eggs) 11.28 USD (~80.74 SBD)
Drinks Approximate cost
Milk (Per Litre) 10.0 USD (~71.58 SBD)
Others Approximate cost
Electricity (per 1 kWh) 0.765 USD (~5.48 SBD)
Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan) (Per Car) 14592.0 USD (~104,451.72 SBD)