Train from Saratov to Sochi

Sochi, Russia

Your cost to travel by Train: $45 - $55

  • Total Distance:

    1260.05 km (783 miles)

  • Travel Time:

    29 Hours 56 Minutes

  • Frequency:

    0 Times/Day

  • Train Fare:

    50.0 USD (~1,651.14 RUB)

Sochi, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Bolshoy prospekt PS
Source: Rome2rio

Train schedule

Departure Arrival Fare Operator Duration
Saratov-1-Pass. Sochi 50 USD 28h 30mins

Cost by number of pax.

Pax Currency (USD) Currency (Local)
1 person 52 USD ~ 1,717 RUB
2 people 104 USD ~ 3,434 RUB
3 people 156 USD ~ 5,152 RUB
4 people 208 USD ~ 6,869 RUB
5 people 260 USD ~ 8,586 RUB

Did you know?

  • The total CO2 Emission for your Saratov - Sochi train trip is 66.78 kg
  • Your total cost to travel by train from Saratov to Sochi is about 52.0 USD (~1,717.19 RUB)