Update Price in Matsaile, Lesotho

Please help us and other travellers stay updated with the current prices in Matsaile, Lesotho.

Travel Price
Fuel $US (Per Litre)
Apple $US (01 Kg)
Orange $US (01 Kg)
Sugar $US (01 Kg)
Banana $US (01 Kg)
Tomato $US (01 Kg)
Egg $US (12 Eggs)
Typical Meal $US (Per Person)
Beer $US (0.33 Litre Bottle)
A Cup of Coffee (Regular) $US (Regular/Cup)
Bottle of Water $US (0.5 Litre)
Coca/Pepsi $US (0.33 Litre Bottle)
Milk $US (Per Litre)
Cigarette $US (Per Pack)
Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan) $US (Per Car)