The price of Banana (01 Kg) in St Johns, United States is 2.88 USD
Banana in St Johns, United States
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Guinean Franc | GNF | Fr | 19,914.7550 GNF |
Romanian Leu | RON | lei | 9.4414 RON |
Philippine Peso | PHP | ₱ | 126.0079 PHP |
Hungarian Forint | HUF | Ft | 634.3494 HUF |
Belarusian Ruble | BYR | p. | 26,872.5007 BYR |
CFA Franc BCEAO | XOF | Fr | 1,395.0347 XOF |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH St Johns |
Zuni Pueblo | 2.76 USD | -4.30% |
Zephyrhills | 3.10 USD | 7.53% |
Zellwood | 2.76 USD | -4.30% |
Zelienople | 2.98 USD | 3.23% |
Zeeland | 2.82 USD | -2.15% |
Zapata | 2.76 USD | -4.30% |
Banana price comparison chart
The Banana price comparison chart shows that price for Banana (01 Kg) in St Johns is 7.53 % lower than the same Banana price in Zephyrhills, United States.