Beer in Pitts Town, Bahamas

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The price of Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Pitts Town, Bahamas is 4.85 BSD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Falkland Islands Pound FKP £ 2.9896 FKP
Bahraini Dinar BHD ب.د 1.8277 BHD
Mexican Peso MXN $ 63.3900 MXN
Venezuelan Bolívar Fuerte VEF Bs 30.5044 VEF
Ukrainian Hryvnia UAH 39.7472 UAH
Indian Rupee INR Rs 302.0129 INR
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Pitts Town
West End 5.00 BSD 3.13%
Walkers Cay 4.90 BSD 1.04%
Treasure Cay 5.30 BSD 9.38%
The Bight 5.25 BSD 8.33%
Stella Maris 5.45 BSD 12.50%
Staniel Cay 4.85 BSD 0.00%

Beer price comparison chart

The Beer price comparison chart shows that price for Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Pitts Town is 12.50 % lower than the same Beer price in Stella Maris, Bahamas.