The price of Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Yambio, Sudan is 845.87 SDG
Budget hotel in Yambio, Sudan
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Tanzanian Shilling | TZS | Sh | 307,710.5500 TZS |
Guinean Franc | GNF | Fr | 1,319,361.1500 GNF |
Kenyan Shilling | KES | Sh | 16,603.4008 KES |
Ugandan Shilling | UGX | USh | 483,081.0200 UGX |
Nepalese Rupee | NPR | Rs | 19,081.2247 NPR |
Lesotho Loti | LSL | L | 1,934.3143 LSL |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Yambio |
Zalingei | 812.04 SDG | -4.00% |
Yirol | 769.75 SDG | -9.00% |
Wau | 837.42 SDG | -1.00% |
Wadi Halfa | 761.29 SDG | -10.00% |
Wad Medani | 845.87 SDG | 0.00% |
Tumbura | 786.66 SDG | -7.00% |
Budget hotel price comparison chart
The Budget hotel price comparison chart shows that price for Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Yambio is % higher than the same Budget hotel price in , Sudan.