Fuel in Congo, Congo

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The price of Fuel (Per Litre) in Congo is 1,502.75 CDF

Currency Code Symbol Value
Cambodian Riel KHR 6,524.3521 KHR
Israeli New Sheqel ILS 5.7717 ILS
Bulgarian Lev BGN лв 2.3506 BGN
Mauritanian Ouguiya MRO UM 475.0048 MRO
New Zealand Dollar NZD $ 1.9904 NZD
Moroccan Dirham MAD د.م. 13.4782 MAD
Other countries Price COMPARED WITH
Bahrain 248.92 CDF -83.44%
Congo 1,502.75 CDF 0.00%
Greenland 912.71 CDF -39.26%
United States 780.23 CDF -48.08%
Venezuela 136.91 CDF -90.89%
Uruguay 1,628.50 CDF 8.37%

Fuel price comparison chart

The Fuel price comparison chart shows that price for Fuel (Per Litre) in Congo is 8.37 % lower than the same Fuel price in , Uruguay.