The price of Fuel (Per Litre) in Myanmar is 940.57 MMK
Fuel in Myanmar, Myanmar
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Polish Zloty | PLN | zł | 2.9683 PLN |
South African Rand | ZAR | R | 9.7262 ZAR |
Zambian Kwacha | ZMK | ZK | 5,035.6368 ZMK |
CFA Franc BEAC | XAF | CFAF | 463.5884 XAF |
Australian Dollar | AUD | $ | 1.0506 AUD |
Trinidad and Tobago Dollar | TTD | TT$ | 6.1431 TTD |
Other countries | Price | COMPARED WITH Myanmar |
Bahrain | 264.87 MMK | -71.84% |
Congo | 1,599.00 MMK | 70.00% |
Greenland | 971.17 MMK | 3.25% |
United States | 830.21 MMK | -11.73% |
Venezuela | 145.68 MMK | -84.51% |
Uruguay | 1,732.81 MMK | 84.23% |
Fuel price comparison chart
The Fuel price comparison chart shows that price for Fuel (Per Litre) in Myanmar is 84.23 % lower than the same Fuel price in , Uruguay.