Milk in Matsaile, Lesotho

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The price of Milk (Per Litre) in Matsaile, Lesotho is 10.82 LSL

Currency Code Symbol Value
Dominican Peso DOP RD$ 45.4324 DOP
Afghan Afghani AFN ؋ 60.9308 AFN
Kenyan Shilling KES Sh 92.8400 KES
South Korean Won KRW 1,133.2121 KRW
Lithuanian Litas LTL Lt 2.7170 LTL
Peso CUC p 1.0210 CUC
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Tlokoeng 11.18 LSL 3.37%
Thaba-Tseka 12.03 LSL 11.24%
Seshutes 10.82 LSL 0.00%
Semongkong 11.30 LSL 4.49%
Sekakes 12.03 LSL 11.24%
Sehonghong 11.55 LSL 6.74%

Milk price comparison chart

The Milk price comparison chart shows that price for Milk (Per Litre) in Matsaile is 11.24 % lower than the same Milk price in Thaba-Tseka, Lesotho.