Orange in Congo, Congo

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The price of Orange (01 Kg) in Congo is 3,060.81 CDF

Currency Code Symbol Value
Angolan Kwanza AOA Kz 323.1651 AOA
Gold Ounce XAU g 0.0027 XAU
South Korean Won KRW 3,522.7192 KRW
Swazi Lilangeni SZL L 33.6236 SZL
Platinum Ounce XPT Pt 0.0024 XPT
Botswanan Pula BWP P 28.5402 BWP
Other countries Price COMPARED WITH
Bahrain 1,724.01 CDF -43.67%
Congo 3,060.81 CDF 0.00%
Greenland 3,503.33 CDF 14.46%
United States 3,934.80 CDF 28.55%
Venezuela 1,993.86 CDF -34.86%
Uruguay 1,368.24 CDF -55.30%

Orange price comparison chart

The Orange price comparison chart shows that price for Orange (01 Kg) in Congo is 28.55 % lower than the same Orange price in , United States.