Rice in Myanmar, Myanmar

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The price of Rice (01 Kg) in Myanmar is 1,118.32 MMK

Currency Code Symbol Value
Mexican Peso MXN $ 14.9061 MXN
Hong Kong Dollar HKD $ 8.8374 HKD
Croatian Kuna HRK kn 6.4218 HRK
Tajikistani Somoni TJS SM 5.4407 TJS
Euro EUR 0.8395 EUR
Tongan Paʻanga TOP T$ 2.0801 TOP
Other countries Price COMPARED WITH
Bahrain 1,805.01 MMK 61.40%
Congo 1,932.54 MMK 72.81%
Greenland 4,031.84 MMK 260.53%
United States 1,396.92 MMK 24.91%
Venezuela 1,290.97 MMK 15.44%
Uruguay 1,294.11 MMK 15.72%

Rice price comparison chart

The Rice price comparison chart shows that price for Rice (01 Kg) in Myanmar is 260.53 % lower than the same Rice price in , Greenland.