The price of Rice (01 Kg) in Venezuela is 8.28 VEF
Rice in Venezuela, Venezuela
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Macedonian Denar | MKD | ден | 59.8655 MKD |
Thai Baht | THB | ฿ | 42.2368 THB |
Brunei Dollar | BND | $ | 1.6473 BND |
Sri Lankan Rupee | LKR | ₨ | 172.6237 LKR |
Nigerian Naira | NGN | ₦ | 208.8768 NGN |
Argentine Peso | ARS | $ | 8.0167 ARS |
Other countries | Price | COMPARED WITH Venezuela |
Bahrain | 11.58 VEF | 39.82% |
Congo | 12.40 VEF | 49.70% |
Greenland | 25.86 VEF | 212.31% |
United States | 8.96 VEF | 8.21% |
Venezuela | 8.28 VEF | 0.00% |
Uruguay | 8.30 VEF | 0.24% |
Rice price comparison chart
The Rice price comparison chart shows that price for Rice (01 Kg) in Venezuela is 212.31 % lower than the same Rice price in , Greenland.