Sugar in South Sioux City, United States

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The price of Sugar (01 Kg) in South Sioux City, United States is 2.48 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Bahamian Dollar BSD $ 2.4831 BSD
Pakistani Rupee PKR 268.8825 PKR
Sierra Leonean Leone SLL Le 10,744.3737 SLL
Australian Dollar AUD $ 2.7209 AUD
Peso CUC p 2.3739 CUC
South Korean Won KRW 2,634.7181 KRW
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
South Sioux City
Zuni Pueblo 2.62 USD 5.38%
Zephyrhills 2.43 USD -2.15%
Zellwood 2.43 USD -2.15%
Zelienople 2.64 USD 6.45%
Zeeland 2.56 USD 3.23%
Zapata 2.67 USD 7.53%

Sugar price comparison chart

The Sugar price comparison chart shows that price for Sugar (01 Kg) in South Sioux City is 7.53 % lower than the same Sugar price in Zapata, United States.