Taxi in Gurayat, Saudi Arabia

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The price of Taxi (Initial Fare) in Gurayat, Saudi Arabia is 2.39 SAR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Palladium Ounce XPD po 0.0019 XPD
Singapore Dollar SGD $ 0.7964 SGD
Ugandan Shilling UGX USh 1,608.5839 UGX
CFP Franc XPF Fr 56.0981 XPF
Thai Baht THB ฿ 20.4123 THB
Iraqi Dinar IQD ع.د 740.2086 IQD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zilfi 2.09 SAR -12.26%
Yanbu 2.34 SAR -1.89%
Wedjh 2.34 SAR -1.89%
Wadi Ad Dawasir 2.34 SAR -1.89%
Unayzah 2.07 SAR -13.21%
Umm Lejj 2.07 SAR -13.21%
Km Miles Price in USD Local Currency
1 0.62137 0.6360 USD 2.390
2 1.24274 1.2720 USD 4.780
3 1.86411 1.9080 USD 7.170
4 2.48548 2.5440 USD 9.560
5 3.10685 3.1800 USD 11.950
6 3.72822 3.8160 USD 14.340
7 4.34959 4.4520 USD 16.730
8 4.97096 5.0880 USD 19.120
9 5.59233 5.7240 USD 21.510
10 6.21370 6.3600 USD 23.900
20 12.42740 12.7200 USD 47.800
30 18.64110 19.0800 USD 71.700
40 24.85480 25.4400 USD 95.600
50 31.06850 31.8000 USD 119.500

Taxi price comparison chart

The Taxi price comparison chart shows that price for Taxi (Initial Fare) in Gurayat is % higher than the same Taxi price in , Saudi Arabia.