Taxi in Mueda, Mozambique

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The price of Taxi (Initial Fare) in Mueda, Mozambique is 98.05 MZN

Currency Code Symbol Value
Vanuatu Vatu VUV VT 311.5778 VUV
Mexican Peso MXN $ 42.6065 MXN
Saudi Riyal SAR 12.2210 SAR
United States Dollar USD $ 3.2585 USD
Gold Ounce XAU g 0.0026 XAU
Swazi Lilangeni SZL L 33.0008 SZL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Xai Xai 95.98 MZN -2.11%
Vilanculos 111.46 MZN 13.68%
Vila Coutinho 95.98 MZN -2.11%
Ulongwe 98.05 MZN 0.00%
Tete 110.43 MZN 12.63%
Songo 97.01 MZN -1.05%
Km Miles Price in USD Local Currency
1 0.62137 3.2585 USD 98.050
2 1.24274 6.5170 USD 196.100
3 1.86411 9.7755 USD 294.150
4 2.48548 13.0340 USD 392.200
5 3.10685 16.2925 USD 490.250
6 3.72822 19.5510 USD 588.300
7 4.34959 22.8095 USD 686.350
8 4.97096 26.0680 USD 784.400
9 5.59233 29.3265 USD 882.450
10 6.21370 32.5850 USD 980.500
20 12.42740 65.1700 USD 1961.000
30 18.64110 97.7550 USD 2941.500
40 24.85480 130.3400 USD 3922.000
50 31.06850 162.9250 USD 4902.500

Taxi price comparison chart

The Taxi price comparison chart shows that price for Taxi (Initial Fare) in Mueda is 13.68 % lower than the same Taxi price in Vilanculos, Mozambique.