Tomato in Fallston, United States

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The price of Tomato (01 Kg) in Fallston, United States is 6.93 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Pound GGP gp 4.1832 GGP
Chinese Yuan CNY ¥ 42.2734 CNY
Latvian Lats LVL Ls 3.5889 LVL
Trinidad and Tobago Dollar TTD TT$ 44.4010 TTD
Kenyan Shilling KES Sh 602.4166 KES
Argentine Peso ARS $ 42.2155 ARS
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo 6.30 USD -9.09%
Zephyrhills 6.79 USD -2.02%
Zellwood 6.30 USD -9.09%
Zelienople 6.58 USD -5.05%
Zeeland 6.37 USD -8.08%
Zapata 6.51 USD -6.06%

Tomato price comparison chart

The Tomato price comparison chart shows that price for Tomato (01 Kg) in Fallston is % higher than the same Tomato price in , United States.