Tomato in Waikoloa, United States

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The price of Tomato (01 Kg) in Waikoloa, United States is 6.23 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Platinum Ounce XPT Pt 0.0045 XPT
Indonesian Rupiah IDR Rp 73,370.0870 IDR
Gold Ounce XAU g 0.0050 XAU
Palladium Ounce XPD po 0.0184 XPD
Bulgarian Lev BGN лв 8.9842 BGN
British Pound Sterling GBP £ 3.8418 GBP
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo 6.30 USD 1.12%
Zephyrhills 6.79 USD 8.99%
Zellwood 6.30 USD 1.12%
Zelienople 6.58 USD 5.62%
Zeeland 6.37 USD 2.25%
Zapata 6.51 USD 4.49%

Tomato price comparison chart

The Tomato price comparison chart shows that price for Tomato (01 Kg) in Waikoloa is 8.99 % lower than the same Tomato price in Zephyrhills, United States.