Bottle of Water in Qaisumah, Saudi Arabia

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The price of Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Qaisumah, Saudi Arabia is 1.16 SAR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Barbadian Dollar BBD $ 0.6160 BBD
Vietnamese Dong VND 6,499.9088 VND
Uruguayan Peso UYU $U 6.5079 UYU
Chilean Peso CLP $ 160.8025 CLP
Moldovan Leu MDL L 4.0366 MDL
Kenyan Shilling KES Sh 26.7741 KES
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zilfi 0.98 SAR -15.45%
Yanbu 1.10 SAR -4.55%
Wedjh 1.14 SAR -0.91%
Wadi Ad Dawasir 1.16 SAR 0.00%
Unayzah 1.05 SAR -9.09%
Umm Lejj 1.03 SAR -10.91%

Bottle of Water price comparison chart

The Bottle of Water price comparison chart shows that price for Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Qaisumah is % higher than the same Bottle of Water price in , Saudi Arabia.