The price of Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Vitry Le Francois, France is 1.79 EUR
Bottle of Water in Vitry Le Francois, France
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Croatian Kuna | HRK | kn | 13.6887 HRK |
Armenian Dram | AMD | դր. | 992.2589 AMD |
Pound | GGP | gp | 1.4668 GGP |
Indonesian Rupiah | IDR | Rp | 28,617.8670 IDR |
Sierra Leonean Leone | SLL | Le | 10,514.6100 SLL |
Latvian Lats | LVL | Ls | 1.2585 LVL |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Vitry Le Francois |
Vittel | 1.99 EUR | 11.11% |
Vitry En Artois | 1.83 EUR | 2.22% |
Vinon | 1.77 EUR | -1.11% |
Villerupt | 1.77 EUR | -1.11% |
Villeneuve-Sur-Lot | 1.85 EUR | 3.33% |
Villefranche-De-Rouergue | 1.93 EUR | 7.78% |
Bottle of Water price comparison chart
The Bottle of Water price comparison chart shows that price for Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Vitry Le Francois is 11.11 % lower than the same Bottle of Water price in Vittel, France.