Bottle of Water in Vittel, France

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The price of Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Vittel, France is 1.99 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Yemeni Rial YER 580.5459 YER
São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra STD Db 49,263.6600 STD
Zambian Kwacha ZMK ZK 14,180.4540 ZMK
Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark BAM KM 3.8932 BAM
Icelandic Króna ISK kr 326.9943 ISK
Namibian Dollar NAD $ 27.3202 NAD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Vitry Le Francois 1.79 EUR -10.00%
Vitry En Artois 1.83 EUR -8.00%
Vinon 1.77 EUR -11.00%
Villerupt 1.77 EUR -11.00%
Villeneuve-Sur-Lot 1.85 EUR -7.00%
Villefranche-De-Rouergue 1.93 EUR -3.00%

Bottle of Water price comparison chart

The Bottle of Water price comparison chart shows that price for Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Vittel is % higher than the same Bottle of Water price in , France.