Bottle of Water in Berre, France

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The price of Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Berre, France is 1.83 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Romanian Leu RON lei 8.1348 RON
Guyanaese Dollar GYD $ 510.9936 GYD
Bermudan Dollar BMD $ 2.4840 BMD
Nigerian Naira NGN 394.2630 NGN
Panamanian Balboa PAB B/. 2.4840 PAB
Danish Krone DKK kr 13.6523 DKK
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Vittel 1.99 EUR 8.70%
Vitry Le Francois 1.79 EUR -2.17%
Vitry En Artois 1.83 EUR 0.00%
Vinon 1.77 EUR -3.26%
Villerupt 1.77 EUR -3.26%
Villeneuve-Sur-Lot 1.85 EUR 1.09%

Bottle of Water price comparison chart

The Bottle of Water price comparison chart shows that price for Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Berre is 8.70 % lower than the same Bottle of Water price in Vittel, France.